These are the quotes that I used to read when I got tired during my exam preparation and starts losing stamina and hope. These are very hard to find since there are not too many quotes exactly related to study or study motivation. So I have to surf almost 5 to 6 blog posts to find the once which I liked and hope you will also like them
So without further ado, let's go on our journey to get motivated and energetic for study.
It always seems impossible until it’s done.
Yes study sucks but not more than failure
Education is the passport to the future. The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.
Of course, it is hard. It’s supposed to be hard. If it was easy, everyone would do it. Hard is what makes it great.
I have collected some more quotes like these, nearly 30 to 40 of them. I have already created a post containing the quotes on the blog.
My main intention in writing such a short post on this platform is to create a lite version of my content so that I can spread these short quotes post to as many people as possible with very short read time. Anyone who wanted more can find much on my website Quotes Teller (click the name to get redirected to my blog) As Jhon Cena says
If you want some,Come get some